
Brazos Theological Commentary on the Bible

Available on Amazon and from Brazos Press

Numbers is an important book for the church today.

Numbers paints an ideal picture of the high calling of the people of God, and then realistically shows all the typical ways God’s people fall short of that vision as they wander in the wilderness. While this book of scripture suffers from a bad title, Numbers contains a treasury of stories and passages that can help us all reflect on how Christians might best travel through the “wilderness” we find ourselves in today.

From the Preface: “Israel’s forty-year sojourn in the wilderness, much of which is recorded in Numbers, was a time of revelation and care by God, a time of testing, and a time of judgement and blessing. Just as Jacob/Israel wrestled with God (Gen. 32:24) after crossing the ford of the Jabbok River, so too Israel wrestled with God during those forty years after crossing the Red Sea. They too came away limping but blessed.”

This commentary, like each in the Brazos series, is designed to serve the church - as an aid to preaching, teaching, study groups, and so forth - and to demonstrate the continuing intellectual and practical viability of theological interpretation of the Bible.


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