“The Shape of Soteriology and the pistis Christou Debate”

In this article, published in the Scottish Journal of Theology, I enter into the important pistis Christou debate from a theological angle. The debate concerns how to translate and interpret approximately ten instances of the Greek phrase pistis Christou and its near equivalents in the letters of Paul. This phrase occurs within theologically crucial sections of Romans and Galatians, which have provided the foundation for the Reformation understanding of ‘justification by grace through faith’. The question is whether ‘faith’ in these phrases refers principally to the believer’s ‘faith in Christ’, as traditionally understood, or should be translated and understood as ‘the faith of Christ’. I argue that a theological vision which includes three facets – a christologically centered understanding of the pistis Christou passages, a broader understanding of pistis, and a soteriology centered on ‘participation in Christ’ – provides the most convincing interpretational matrix for reading Paul and has important implications for contemporary theology.

Read the article at Scottish Journal of Theology

The Open Table: What Gospel Do We Practice?

This booklet is published by the Presbyterian Church (USA) in response to an ongoing debate about where or not people should be baptized before participating in the Lord’s Supper.

From the Introduction: “I suggest a direction for thinking through this issue that maintains as normative the traditional eucharistic practice of Baptism before Communion, but that also has room for the understanding that it would be acceptable and even wise for the church and its leaders in certain instances to accept open table practice. My hope is that such a way of thinking might help the church, on the one hand, to protect the integrity of and to avoid reducing the full meaning of our Sacraments, while on the other hand, to be open to the work of God in situations that do not fit neatly within our typical sacramental patterns.”

Download the booklet at the Presbyterian Church (USA) website

More Articles to Come!

I am in the process of uploading my articles here!

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